Monday, December 15, 2008

Khulasah (Compilation of Wirid and Azkar from Habib Umar Bin Hafiz

Title: Khulasah
(Compilation of Wirid and Azkar from Habib Umar Bin Hafiz)
(Arabic, soft back)

1. Recitations for waking up for Tahajjud
2. Azkar for after Witr
3. Qasidas
4. Azkar after Prayers
5. Ratibs
6. Doa for after Sunnah Prayers eg. Tasbih,Duha,Istiharah
7. Hizbs
8. Prayers Upon the Prophet
9. Prayers for Fridays

Pages: 201 pages
Price: SGD $6.00 per copy (does not include overseas shipping)

To order please mail us at